Psalm 69 is a poignant cry of distress and a plea for deliverance from the depths of suffering. King David, the psalmist, lays bare his soul, expressing anguish and seeking God's intervention. This psalm not only reflects David's personal struggles but also prophetically points to the suffering of Christ. In today's context, Psalm 69 provides profound insights into how we can find hope and perseverance in the midst of our own hardships. When we call unto Him, God is faithful in rescuing us from our hardships. In this Psalm David was expressing how God has rescued him in his desperate situation. I wish to call this Psalm as a Psalm expressing GOD’S RESCUE OPERATION. David’s D esperation (Psalm 69:1-3) David begins by describing his desperate situation, feeling overwhelmed and sinking in the mire of his troubles. His enemies are numerous and powerful, and his own strength is failing. When we face overwhelming challenges, we must acknowledge our desperation and cry out to ...