Psalm 69 is a poignant cry of distress and a plea for deliverance from the depths of suffering. King David, the psalmist, lays bare his soul, expressing anguish and seeking God's intervention. This psalm not only reflects David's personal struggles but also prophetically points to the suffering of Christ. In today's context, Psalm 69 provides profound insights into how we can find hope and perseverance in the midst of our own hardships. When we call unto Him, God is faithful in rescuing us from our hardships. In this Psalm David was expressing how God has rescued him in his desperate situation. I wish to call this Psalm as a Psalm expressing GOD’S RESCUE OPERATION.

David’s Desperation (Psalm 69:1-3)

David begins by describing his desperate situation, feeling overwhelmed and sinking in the mire of his troubles. His enemies are numerous and powerful, and his own strength is failing. When we face overwhelming challenges, we must acknowledge our desperation and cry out to God for help. It's in our weakness that His strength is made perfect. Jesus, in His humanity, experienced deep anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, crying out to the Father in His moment of greatest need (Matthew 26:36-39).

David’s Defamation (Psalm 69:7-12)

David speaks of being scorned and shamed by others, even becoming a stranger to his own brothers (Psalm 69:7-12). He is the subject of ridicule and unjust accusations. When we are falsely accused or ridiculed, we should remember that God sees the truth and will vindicate us in His time. Jesus was falsely accused and mocked by those He came to save, enduring scorn and rejection even from His own people (John 1:11, Matthew 27:27-31).

David’s Desolation (Psalm 69:20-21, 19)

David feels utterly alone and abandoned, with no one to comfort him (Psalm 69:20-21). His heart is broken, and he longs for compassion but finds none. In our moments of loneliness and desolation, we must have that knowledge that God will not leave us and acknowledge that He is always with us. God is always with us, offering His unfailing love and presence (Hebrews 13:5). On the cross, Jesus experienced ultimate desolation, crying out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46).

David’s Deliverance (Psalm 69:13-18)

Despite his suffering, David confidently prays for God’s deliverance, trusting in His unfailing love and mercy (Psalm 69:13-18). He believes that God will rescue him from his dire circumstances. We must hold onto hope and trust in God’s power to deliver us, no matter how dire our situation may seem (Psalm 34:17-18). Jesus’ resurrection is the ultimate deliverance, demonstrating God’s power over sin and death and offering us eternal hope (1 Corinthians 15:20-22).

David’s Declaration (Psalm 69:30-36)

David concludes with a declaration of praise and a vow to glorify God (Psalm 69:30-36). He is confident that God will act on his behalf and bring justice. And God indeed brought deliverance to David. When we overcome a great trail we should stand before the congregation and testify God’s faithfulness and goodness. In Luke 17:11-19, we see Jesus healing the ten lepers. Only one returned to declare the goodness of God and give thanks. This act of gratitude highlighted the importance of declaring God's works. Our response to God's deliverance should be one of praise and testimony, declaring His greatness to others (Psalm 107:1-2). After His resurrection, Jesus commissioned His disciples to declare the good news to all nations, a mission that continues through us today (Matthew 28:18-20).

Psalm 69 is a powerful reminder that in the midst of our deepest struggles, we can find hope and strength in God. By following David's example of desperation, defamation, desolation, deliverance, and declaration, we can navigate our own hardships with faith and resilience, always pointing back to the ultimate hope we have in Christ.

Pr. Voola Sukeerthy
Ph: (+91) 9686992917

For my short reflections on other Psalms of David click here

Miracles of Jesus


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