Urgent Call to God: A Cry for Help (Psalm 70)


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often face moments of distress and urgency where we need God's immediate intervention. Psalm 70 is a brief but powerful plea for God's swift help. David's cry for deliverance is not just his own but resonates with the church's need to seek God fervently in times of trouble. This psalm reminds us that our urgency can be a catalyst for deepening our dependence on God and finding hope in Christ.

Plea for Protection

"Hasten, O God, to save me; come quickly, Lord, to help me." (Psalm 70:1)

David begins with a desperate cry for God to rescue him from his enemies. This plea highlights the urgency and the intensity of his need for God's intervention. Imagine being in a dangerous situation, such as a fire or an accident, where immediate help is necessary. Just as we urgently call out for rescue services, David urgently calls out to God.

In times of personal crisis or when the church faces challenges, we should immediately turn to God in prayer. Just as David sought God's protection, we too can seek God's help in our moments of need. Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, also expressed an urgent plea to the Father (Matthew 26:39). Our plea for protection mirrors Christ's dependence on God, showing that we can trust in God's willingness to respond to our cries for help.

Petition for Persecution to Cease

"May those who want to take my life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace." (Psalm 70:2)

David prays for the downfall of his enemies, asking God to intervene and stop those who are persecuting him. This petition reflects a desire for justice and vindication. Consider a court case where the innocent are falsely accused. The defense attorney passionately petitions the judge for justice, seeking to expose the truth and clear the innocent's name.

When facing unjust treatment or opposition, we can petition God to intervene on our behalf. This is especially relevant for the church when facing persecution or injustice in the world. Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies and trust in God's justice (Matthew 5:44). His resurrection is the ultimate vindication, showing that God will ultimately put all enemies to shame and bring justice.

Praise for Provision

"But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, 'The Lord is great!'" (Psalm 70:4)

David transitions from plea and petition to praise. He acknowledges that those who seek God will find joy and deliverance, and he encourages others to join in proclaiming God's greatness. Think of a community coming together to celebrate after overcoming a major disaster. Their collective joy and praise reflect their gratitude for the provision and support they received.

In times of distress, our faith is strengthened when we remember to praise God for His provision and deliverance. The church should cultivate a culture of gratitude and praise, even in challenging times. Jesus is the ultimate provision of God’s help and salvation. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we have a reason to rejoice and proclaim God's greatness continually (John 3:16).

Psalm 70 is a profound reminder of our urgent need for God's intervention, justice, and provision. As the church, we are called to cry out to God in our distress, trust in His justice, and continually praise Him for His provision. In doing so, we mirror Christ's example and strengthen our faith community, finding hope and assurance in God's steadfast love and power.

Pr. Voola Sukeerthy
Email: thecitylight2016@gmail.com
Ph: (+91) 9686992917

For my short reflections on other Psalms of David click here


Miracles of Jesus



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